Frequently Asked
Questions |
Q. What
is a home inspection? |
A. A home inspection is a visual evaluation
of a home from the foundation to the roof to determine its structural and systemic
Q. What
does a home inspection involve? |
A. A basic inspection is a summary of the visual
inspection of the following areas and systems:
- Heating
- Cooling
- Interior Plumbing
- Interior Electrical
- Roof
- Attic
- Visible Insulation
- Walls, Ceilings and Floors
- Windows and Doors
- Basement
- Foundation
- External Structures
Q. Why
is a home inspection important? |
A. A home inspection finds things that may need
attention or may require repairs in the future.
When buying or selling a home, a properly prepared home inspection assists
both buyer and seller in making informed decisions.
Q. Can
I do my own inspection? |
Of course, you CAN do your own inspection, but what is your level of expertise and how obective can you
be? Whittington Home Inspections are conducted by a professional with training and experience in all aspects
of home structure and system functionality. They have no interest in buying or selling the home, so the
inspector's objectivity is not biased by the desire to purchase or sell the property.
Q. When
do I call a home inspector? |
A. When you find a property you wish to purchase,
or when you are agreeing to sell your property, base the obligation to buy the
property contingent on the outcome of the professional home inspection. Contact
Whittington Home Inspections as soon as you have decided you want to buy a property,
or as soon as you have a buyer for your home.